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Test seamlessly with EasyPost's public Postman workspace

EasyPost makes testing quick and easy by supporting a public Postman workspace across our entire suite of APIs. Postman is a free software tool (on desktop and web), with over 17 million users and 500k organizations, that helps developers in the SaaS community understand and interface with publicly available API endpoints.

What is a Postman workspace?

Postman workspace is simply a place to centralize API information, and a space for a community to collaborate on that information. EasyPost's public workspace contains all of our officially maintained Postman collections that document how to test our suite of APIs. A Postman collection is a grouping of different APIs and requests organized with an intelligent structure to improve the testing experience. Workspaces in Postman support various collaboration features such as commenting, forking, pull requests, and watching functionality (to ensure notifications are sent about updates).

Users have read-only permissions to the EasyPost public workspace but can submit pull requests to merge changes they have made to forked collections that are beneficial for the broader user base to see. Users can also comment to tag internal team members referencing specific information or to ask questions to the authors of collections.

Postman is available for Mac, Windows, Linux, and Chrome OS. Download Postman here.

What can you expect from EasyPost's public Postman workspace?

The structure of our workspace mirrors the structure of our API documentation so existing customers will recognize the structure and be able to efficiently navigate the workspace to find what they need. EasyPost's public Postman workspace supports all of our API products and we are committed to maintaining and updating the workspace moving forward. We will also continue to add more guides and walkthroughs over time to further improve the testing experience with our APIs.

Additionally, as our customer base grows and more developers leverage our Postman collection, we expect contributions from the community to grow and further enhance the library of information. We strongly encourage customers to submit pull requests for any updates made that were useful. We review all requests in the same week and interact with our developer community frequently. EasyPost is committed to reviewing and resolving all open comments on our workspace as well. We see contributions and comments as feedback and inspiration for future products to build.

If you have any questions or feedback, please don't hesitate to reach out to support.

How can you get started with EasyPost in Postman?

You can find the full Postman EasyPost API documentation here.

Instructions for how to get going quickly

  1. Open the EasyPost Workspace in Postman.
  2. Fork the collection to test within your Postman account. Get further documentation on forking
  3. Add your API key to link your EasyPost account.
  4. Review the descriptions for all of the folders nested under "Basics" folders (listed below with hyperlinks):
    1. Addresses
    2. Parcels
    3. Insurances
    4. Shipments
    5. Trackers
  5. You are ready to begin testing! We recommend the following flow to get a feel for using our shipping APIs:
    1. Create to address
    2. Create from address
    3. Create a parcel
    4. Create a shipment
  6. Review our full Postman API documentation for more specific questions you have and further customizations that can be helpful. Three commonly used features not mentioned above are listed below:
    1. Review time in transit statistics with the SmartRate API
    2. Purchase multiple shipments with a batch request
    3. Create a webhook to retrieve automatic tracking updates

Looking to move your shipping program to EasyPost?

EasyPost saves customers an average of 76% on shipping costs and your implementation can be completed in minutes. Our Sales and Solutions Engineering Team are happy to discuss full-scale implementations and can get you going as fast as you are ready. We are happy to answer any questions that arise during testing as well!