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Italy Address Verification

Verifying Italy addresses can improve deliverability by up to 63%. And you can set it up in minutes.

Want to Improve Deliverability to Italy Addresses?

Address verification is one of the best failsafes against undelivered packages. It's an essential part of international operations, especially if you're just expanding into a foreign market. Having address verification as a guardrail against customer or internal error will help ensure your packages reach the right destination. Plus, we have all the client documentation and support to get you set up and verifying Italy addresses in minutes.

Our Italy AVS API can:

  • Verify addresses down to the house for Italy addresses
  • Verify addresses across the globe, with the widest international network on the market
  • Improve itself over time with constantly updated databases
  • Integrate itself to any system or application that requires AVS functionality
  • Provide complementary and complete U.S. coverage down to the unit level
require 'easypost'
address = EasyPost::Address.create(
  verify: true,
  street1: "Via Vittorio Veneto, 121",
  street2: "00187 Roma, Italy",
  city: "Roma",
  zip: "00187",
  country: "IT"

puts address.street1
puts address.verifications
# {"delivery": {"success":true,"errors":[]}}

Get 120,000 Lookups of Italy addresses for free per year when you sign up for the EasyPost Shipping API

Italy Map

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Connect to EasyPost today

Sign up and start shipping in the same day. We have our API live and ready for you to test with. We also have extensive client documentation in over six different languages to help you get started. If you have any questions, or if you want to talk logistics, feel free to reach out to one of our shipping experts.