EasyPost offers USPS Pay-on-Delivery Returns (PoD) to make returns easy on you AND your customers. With PoD, you don't have to pay postage fees on your USPS return label until the return package is actually delivered back to you. At that time, USPS will determine the actual weight1 of the package. Returns also come with $100 USPS shipping insurance for free, and you can always purchase additional insurance through EasyPost. Modernize your returns process with USPS and EasyPost.
Get $100 after you spend $100.* Start shipping today!
Depending on the returns experience you want to give your customers, create a return label only upon customer request or proactively include them with every outbound shipment. The choice is yours, and the price is the same. If your business expects returns, you can streamline your service with USPS Pay-on-Delivery Returns:
Supported service levels |
GroundAdvantageReturn |
PriorityMailReturn |
PriorityMailExpressReturn |
Supported Predefined Packages (Parcel Type) |
FlatRateEnvelope |
FlatRateLegalEnvelope |
FlatRatePaddedEnvelope |
Parcel |
SmallFlatRateBox |
MediumFlatRateBox |
LargeFlatRateBox |
LargeFlatRateBoxAPOFPO |
Because it's cost-efficient, flexible, and makes the returns experience simpler, USPS Pay-on-Delivery Returns is the returns solution of choice for many of our shippers on the EasyPost platform. Get started today and enjoy an easier returns process for your business and customers.
1 USPS assesses postage amount based on weight, dimensions, and other attributes captured from the actual package. If the USPS cannot capture the physical attributes of their shipment, they will use the average cost of your past returns shipments to determine postage.
Get $100 after you spend $100.* Start shipping today!