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Jason Scheirer

Modern Python: New Features, Better Code

by Jason Scheirer


In the time I've been at EasyPost, we've been putting continuous effort into making sure our code stays up-to-date to make sure we keep ahead of potential security and support issues, as well as to make our code easier to read, write and maintain as the Python language continues to mature.


The Black code formatter is a few years old now and officially hosted by the PSF. It follows the vein of Gofmt (or, to a lesser degree, Prettier) by being "opinionated" and having a reasonable set of defaults and few, if any, knobs that can be tweaked.

This has two immediately obvious advantages:

  1. It silences non-constructive, bikesheddy, purely opinion-based code style comments
  2. Since everything is uniformly formatted, diffs will be entirely semantic and not syntactic, meaning diffs are about how the code's meaning has changed and not how the code's looks have changed.

We use Makefiles for most of our heavy lifting in the build-and-deploy process, so adding a black step in our services is pretty easy:

## checkblack - Run black checks
         venv/bin/black --check --diff $(SERVICENAME)
## black - Run the black formatter against the codebase
         ./venv/bin/black $(SERVICENAME)


The standard library is where modules go to die

Kenneth Reitz

Mypy is a tool used to analyze Python source and identify type errors/potential errors using type hints. While type hinting is largely built into the standard library/language spec, the actual enforcement of it is done by an external tool at build time. Why an external tool? Because Python typing is a work in progress still being iterated on, and having it as a core part of the language would slow down its development.

To enforce mypy in test/lint steps, it's Makefiles to the rescue once more:

## checkstatic - Run static checks
         venv/bin/mypy $(SERVICENAME)

Then commonly-used build targets like make test can include these steps as dependencies.

Continuous integration

Both Black and Mypy analysis is done at EasyPost during the lint step in our Continuous Integration process, so no code that fails automated style/type checks can get merged into the main branch.

Type hinting

The road to formal typing in Python started out with the Abstract Base Class effort many years ago and has progressed since then. ABCs started out as a way of formally defining collections of duck-typed methods as belonging to a specific 'protocol', like a map or an array or an iterator, and went from there. In this regard ABCs are very similar to Go's Interfaces.

Type hinting lets you incrementally update your code to enforce "good" data goes into it and avoids boneheaded errors that other languages don't let through by default. The good thing about incremental is it's incremental, meaning you don't have to go all-in at once but instead gradually get it right.

I cannot emphasize how much of a good idea this is: you still get the flexibility and speed of writing fluent Python when doing exploratory coding, and when your design solidifies you can add type hints to give confidence about the code at the pace you wish to work at. You do not have to go all or nothing.

In C++, by the time you get to your main function, because everything is explicitly typed and determined at compile time, you can get away with declaring most of your variables' types as auto (fight me). Similarly in Python, if your library code is well typed, your business logic that consumes it can have sparse (if any) type declarations and will still be safe since it can derive types from the code it's calling.

The basics of type hinting are easy. When you do a variable assignment, you can decorate it with a type:

a = "hello"           # Old and busted 
a: str = "hello"     # New hotness

Function definitions can mark up what they expect and return:

def square(x: int) -> int:   # Takes an int, returns an int     
    return x ** 2

Context managers use the comments to mark what the context manager gives you:

# See also: typing.IO, typing.TextIO 
with open("hello.txt', "rb") as input_handle:  # type: T.BinaryIO

Custom types work as expected:

class MyCustomType:     
x: MyCustomType = MyCustomType()

If something can be multiple types, you can use a Union. Python 3.10 has a nicer syntax for it with the pipe operator.

my_numeric: T.Union[int, float] = 5                         # Or could be 5.0 
my_numeric_in_python_3_10_plus: int | float = 5     # Moving toward this

For anything, use Any:

my_wildcard: T.Any = None  # THERE ARE NO RULES HERE DUDE

Not a great idea to litter your code with Any as it kind of violates the spirit of adding type annotations to your code, but it can be useful in an incremental process as you introduce types to your codebase. Special case if you want something to be a value or None: you mark as Optional or union the type with None:

my_potentially_none: T.Optional[str] = "Hi" 
my_potentially_none_3_10_plus: str | None = "Hi"

Passing an Optional to a function that doesn’t expect None causes mypy to produce an error:

import typing as T  
def fn(x: str):     
my_value: T.Optional[str] = "hello"  


error: Argument 1 to "fn" has incompatible type "Optional[str]"; 
expected  "str"

You sometimes have to explicitly mark a variable with cast so that mypy knows you’re explicitly using one type over the other:

if my_value is not None:     
       fn(T.cast(str, my_value))  # Now we know for sure it's not None

If you want to use Tuple as a type of Frozen List, you can’t just do this:

my_tuple: tuple[int] = (1, 2, 3, 4)


error: Incompatible types in assignment (expression has type "Tuple[int, 
int, int, int]", variable has type "Tuple[int]")

Here, Mypy assumes a tuple of length 1 with a single int. You use this syntax with Ellipsis to say it's an arbitrary number of entries in the tuple:

my_tuple: tuple[int, ...] = (1, 2, 3, 4)

For the sake of brevity I will not get into TypeVars, Protocols, or other recent improvements like ParamSpecs or Variadics (the latter of which excited me the most). The system for Python typing is a work-in-progress and with each new version of the language gets slightly better and more complete. It's not as good as the type systems in other languages, but it's good enough for industrial programming.


Data structures of any complexity have been a pain point for about as long as Python has been around. From the ancient days of zope.schema to more modern libraries like marshmallow, schematics, and colander, the problem has a panoply of 'solutions,' each with their own individual quirks.

Dataclasses exist in the standard library. That's a huge plus because they don't require a third party library, tiny time bombs hiding away in your requirements.txt just waiting to introduce random CVEs at inopportune moments. Dataclasses are just enough data model for a lot of use cases.

import dataclasses  
class PocketMonster:     
       name: str     
       # If a PocketMonster is instantiated without hit_points    
       # specified, it will default to 4.     
       hit_points: int = 4

As a bonus, you can make them immutable to employ some basic tenets of functional programming (and enhance testing):

import dataclasses  
class Pet:     
       name: str  
my_cat = Pet(name="Spots") 
# Your new name is Ham Sandwich. I'm a cruel owner. = "Ham Sandwich"


dataclasses.FrozenInstanceError: cannot assign to field 'name'

This solves the problem of data provenance as well. One antipattern we have been attempting to get rid of from our codebase are functions like this:

def do_something_to_a_dict(data_dict: dict):     
         # Mutate (or don't) in-place the data passed in     
         dict['some_key'] = dict['some_other_key'] + data_from_the_internet()     
         dict['other_key'] = int(dict['other_key'])

When a dictionary (which in Python is a bag of key/value anythings) starts to get changed willy-nilly over the course of its lifetime it gets really hard to tell just where and when a specific piece of data in the dictionary was created/modified.

So how do we go about mutating data as needed? One of two patterns:

In place with a @property:

class Pet:     
       name: str      
       def what_you_say_to_get_its_attention(self):         
              return + "!!!"

Generating a copy using the replace method, which also encourages the pattern of making sure you know where your data came from by explicitly storing new copies:

def louden_my_pet(my_pet: Pet) -> Pet:     
       return my_pet.replace( + "!!!")  
my_cat = Pet(name="Spots") 
my_loud_cat = louden_my_pet(my_cat)  # SPOTS!!! came from Spots and is distinct

Adding an equality operator and using hashable field types makes your dataclass usable in hashed containers (dict/set):

import dataclasses  
@dataclasses.dataclass(eq=True, frozen=True) 
class PairOfItems:   
    left: str   
    right: str  

directed_graph_with_node_descriptions: dict[PairOfItems, str] = {     
       PairOfItems(left="a", right="b"): "A to B",     
       PairOfItems(left="b", right="c"): "B to C",     
       PairOfItems(left="a", right="d"): "A to D",

In general, it's easier to reason about code that generates new data than it is code that mutates data. Dataclasses and type hints help enforce this.

Getting JSON from a dataclass is relatively easy, assuming you have no exotic data types:


Moving to Dataclasses from Namedtuples

There is a typed version of namedtuple in the standard library you can use, with basic usage very similar to dataclasses, as an intermediate step toward using full dataclasses (e.g. if you have code that uses tuple unpacking syntax that you can't refactor yet).

class Manifest(T.NamedTuple):     
       filename: str     
       xml: bytes     
       records_ids: list[int]  
filename, source, records_to_mark = Manifest(filename='text.xml', 
xml=b'', record_ids=[1, 2, 3])  # type: str, bytes, T.List[int]

Additional levels of sophistication: validation with pydantic

Type hints are just that, hints, in Python. Using dataclasses with typed fields doesn't enforce types going in, nor does it do any sort of data validation. If you reach the stage where this is needed, the pydantic library has a drop-in replacement for dataclasses that gives you all the type coercion and data validation pydantic offers on its native data structures. To get started, you can get pretty far with a s/@dataclasses.dataclass or @pydantic.dataclasses.dataclass search-and-replace on your codebase.

You then have access to pydantic data validation as well:

class LoudPet:     
       name: str      

       def set_name(cls, v):         
              return v.upper() + "!!!"  

my_cat = LoudPet(name="Spots II: Son of Spots")


LoudPet(name='SPOTS II: SON OF SPOTS!!!')

Better JSON Round-Tripping for "Free" With pydantic

We deal with APIs and our bread-and-butter is writing HTTP-based, RESTful services. This means a large part of what we do is translating data models to/from JSON as they interchange between various systems written in various languages and frameworks.

By moving to pydantic, we get type coercion in our data structures, so for fields that are datetimes or UUIDs coming from a JSON struct (where they are usually downcast to string) it will do the right thing and coerce to those types, unlike plain dataclasses.

pydantic also has a default JSON encoder that will attempt to do the right thing with some common datatypes (looking at datetime and uuid again). You might still need to write your own encoder to handle your own datatypes, but you can base it on pydantic's as a starting point.

from pydantic.json import pydantic_encoder 
return_json: str = json.dumps(my_pet, default=pydantic_encoder)


Related to Dataclasses are proper enumeration support in the Python Standard Library.

class ManifestState(enum.Enum):     
       # Standard JIT unmanifested shipment     
       UNMANIFESTED = 0      

       # Standard JIT manifested shipment     
       MANIFESTED = 1      

       # Shipment has some error to signal the manifester to ignore     
       ERROR = 2

This means you can use ManifestState.MANIFESTED.value instead of a literal value, and you can group your constants into a single namespace. It also has nice validation like making sure the same constant isn't reused and adding auto-incrementing values for int values so you don't have to do it manually.

Putting it all together

Imagine the following set of endpoints:

Create a new shipment object
Fetch a shipment object by ID

We can model a Shipment:

class Address:     
       recipient: str     
       line1: str     
       line2: str | None     
       zip: str | None     
       city: str | None     
       state: str | None     
       country: str  

class ShipmentState(enum.Enum):     
       NEW = "New Shipment"     
       IN_TRANSIT = "In Transit"     
       DELIVERED = "Delivered"     
       RETURNED = "Returned"     
       ERROR = "Error"  

class Shipment:     
       from_address: Address     
       to_address: Address     
       weight_in_ounces: int     
       state: ShipmentState = ShipmentState.NEW

And then POST to an endpoint:

def create_shipment(request):     
       # Validation, safety, etc left as an exercise for the reader     
       new_shipment = Shipment(**json.loads(request.body))     
       shipment_id: uuid.UUID = 

        return json.dumps({'id': shipment_id}, default=pydantic_encoder)

And to fetch:

from pydantic import validate_arguments  
def get_shipment(request, shipment_id: UUID):     
       # 404s, authentication, etc left as an exercise for the reader     
       shipment_object: Shipment = 
        return json.dumps(dataclasses.asdict(shipment_object), 


The Python language is still progressing and improving. Recent versions have added plenty of value, both in terms of new functionality and improved behavior on existing functionality. Using these new features can make code cleaner, easier to read, easier to be confident about, and generally less painful to maintain.