New EasyPost Guides
by Thomas Schiavone
Recently we completed a new set of guides to speed up integrations. The following guides expand on our Getting Started Guide by providing instructions for integrating some of the major functionalities of the API:
With our Tracking Guide, you'll learn how to integrate our Tracking API with Webhooks into your application. Our Tracking API covers shipments through any of the Carriers we offer, regardless of whether the shipping was purchased through EasyPost. Our Tracking API can be used as a standalone product to power tracking notifications, or integrated with the rest of your rating and purchasing through EasyPost.
Our Batch Guide will show you how to integrate Batch functionality, which allows you to generate 1000s of labels seamlessly. Batches are used by many of our high volume shippers for generating large amounts of shipments at one time. The end product, instead of three separate labels, is one collated PDF for easy printing.
Lastly, our Customs Guide will help you start shipping internationally with ease. We offer super simple customs process that will drastically improve your international fulfillment.
Are there other functionalities you'd like to see guides for? Drop us a line and we'll add them to our list!