EasyPost and Kickpay Go Live!
by Marco Raye

Arguably, the most significant and challenging role that inventory plays in supply chains is that of facilitating the balance of demand and supply. With this balancing comes issues related to funding inventory that may or may not sell. Additionally, financing your inventory can often be difficult with fluctuating economic trends and pressing supply timelines. At times, when cash flow may be tight, a debt-based business funding solution may be the avenue you want to take as it allows lenders to provide to businesses specifically to invest in products. To aid your business in achieving constant growth, we have partnered with Kickpay to bring inventory financing to EasyPost's business model.
How Inventory Financing Creates a Fluid Supply Chain
For small to midsize businesses that may not have the history or financial assets to secure more traditional financing methods, inventory financing provides a practical way to ensure you pay for your inventory only after you've sold it. This process allows for a more fluid relationship between you, your suppliers, and your customers. The simple and straightforward process begins with Kickpay giving you cash for your inventory in the EP Fulfillment Centers. Once you sell your inventory to your customers, you pay Kickpay for only the inventory that you sold. Kickpay's financing solution is built specifically for the majority of businesses EasyPost works with and is dedicated to growing volume of sales while simultaneously preventing out of stock issues.
With this partnership, EasyPost is looking forward to helping you unlock your capital that may have previously been tied up in inventory. More capital allows you to invest more in other aspects of your business such as marketing, R&D, and sales. Additionally, any finished goods stored with EasyPost can also be financed without a personal guarantee requirement from Kickpay.
Smarter Implementation with Kickpay
With Kickpay's flexible payment model, your business gains the opportunity to scale and reduce operating costs. From ensuring that your inventory never goes out of stock to increasing sales frequency, your position in today's ecommerce climate benefits greatly.
With your savings from an improved product flow, you'll have the capacity to invest more in your upcoming product lines and maximize your financing amount. The direct integration into EasyPost allows Kickpay to generate daily reports that carefully outline which units of your inventory are shipped, ensuring that you're only paying for what you sell.
Get Started with EasyPost/Kickpay Integration
If you are a business owner, it's time to stop worrying about whether you're reaching the equilibrium of supply and demand when it comes to your inventory. The ideal inventory financing solution for your business is here with our new partnership with Kickpay.
If you have any questions, get in touch with us.